Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is so cool! It happened again today as I was driving home from work. The oldies station is now a definite keeper. I was driving along, listening to the drum beat, once again, when I knew the song. It was A Horse With No Name by America. I love it! Still sounds kind of crappy, but at least I knew what the song was and could sing along with the chorus. Happy Camper here....

Monday, January 26, 2009

Today was just one of those good days. Work was busy, which I loved. I hate getting bored at work and lately that happens a lot. On the way home, I had the radio on instead of my Zune. Just wasn't in the mood for my regular songs so I just let it play, following the drum beats on different songs. All of a sudden, I knew the song that was playing...and the words too. I was able to follow along with the chorus of Paul Simon's 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. It was awesome! Right after that, Heart came on with Magic Man. Couldn't follow most of it, but the chorus on that came through loud and clear as well.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Had two CI moments today. The first was while I was at work. I was out on the sales floor and someone called out ET. Not only did I hear it, I understood it!! That person and I had a conversation and I could understand everything she said.
My second was tonight. For the first time in two years I heard one of my cats purr in my ear. Loud and clear and no feedback! The last time I heard a purr, I had to pick up the kitten, hold him to my ear and we both suffered from the feedback to my hearing aid. This was great, I just leaned close and he rumbled away. Awesome!! I have so missed that sound.
I have had a lot of support from people at work. Not overly vocal, but there are those that have kept up with my changes and progress and one of them made an interesting comment today. I stopped to say Hi and she asked how I was doing. I told her, honestly, baby steps, but getting better over time. She looked at me and said "you sound like you again, your old voice is back". I am not sure what that means, other than I am no longer shouting at people, but I think she means my accent is back and I am more animated. I grew up in the midwest, where we really don't have a broad accent and my voice accent changes depending on where I am and who I talk to. Living in the south for the majority of my adult life, I guess I had picked up a touch of the southern accent and lost it when I could no longer actually hear other people talk, or myself. Or, maybe I just sound happy again. I don't know. I guess I will ask her when I see her again instead of assuming.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Well, today went well, I think. Saw my audi and she up'd the volume on my processor. I had thought she might have set 4 new programs for in noise, music, etc. but she doesn't work that way. She likes to take it slow and added 4 new volume levels. She wants me to adjust to all sounds before taking any away, and that makes sense. I actually had to tell my hubby to speak softer tonight. Poor thing is used to talking loudly but now it sounds like shouting.
I told her about my meltdown after damaging my backup processor and she didn't bat an eye. Whew! She is going to send it off for repair/replacement and will call me when it is in and schedule my next mapping at the same time I pick it up. I got my regular processor today and love it. It is dark brown, like my hair (when I keep it colored) and blends right in. She was out of the rechargable batteries in dark brown so I will still have to use the tan ones (or switch to disposable batteries) until she orders some more. She also showed me how to replace the mic cover so I don't have another meltdown. Things still sound a bit computerized, but that is normal she said and will slowly go away. All in all, a good day for me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I had my first real CI moment today. Before they were what I call mini moments. I was at the Vet's office and the girl behind the desk, who I have known for a few years, made a comment that she thought it was wonderful that I could hear again. She had been asking me questions and I had answered every one without her having to look at me.
I also noticed tonight, during a power outage, that I could actually enjoy music videos on my Zune mp3 player. They still don't sound anything like they used to, but I can make out the vocals and some of the instruments. The videos seem to work better for me than just the audio.
I go in to see my CI audi tomorrow for my first real "mapping". I am hoping the new settings will remove some of the synthesized sounds I hear.