Thursday, February 26, 2009

Went to see my CI audi today and got my first "real" mapping. I now have 4 programs. Normal, a noise reduction version of P1 (normal), P3 has a "narrowed" field of hearing and then P4 has a T-mix for cell phones. I tried the regular t-coil option and it bugged me that I could not hear my own voice, so this will allow me to hear myself while using t-coil. Plus, I don't have to use the < > keys to get there. My audi also tested with the lovely beeps again and set my settings towards the max range of my processor. It's funny, because none of the beeps ever got too loud or too uncomfortable for me, yet, in "hearing" mode, I almost got blasted out of my chair. But, I asked her to leave it there, since it was on V9 and S12. This gives me plenty of room before I have to go back, since I can now turn both S and V down to a comfortable range. Voices sound less like chipmunks and more human, which is wonderful and my audi says it will get even better, I just have to be patient..there is that dreaded word again. She did warn me not to turn the volume up too high as it could cause adverse reactions like ticks and face twitches. Lovely! Like I don't feel odd enough at times. I really did notice a change on the ride home. I was understanding more songs on the radio and able to sing along (in my head). Feeling pretty good about things as they are now.

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